Monday 25 February 2013

A day out with Alison

(Click on to enlarge, back arrow to return)

A great day! Cheetahs, raptors, lunch. We went to a place where there are several cheetahs to view- Cheetah Outreach. They are called ambassadors. They are bred and kept in captivity to raise awareness about the plight of cheetahs.The money that is raised goes into breeding and raising Anatolian sheepdogs who are then given to farmers to guard their livestock against predators such as wild cheetahs.

No, he's not dead, just sleeping

The hope is that the farmers will then not trap, poison or shoot the wild cheetahs. The program pays for the food and upkeep of the dog for the first year that the farmer has it. Most of the time the farmers agree to adopt the dog after the year is over but if not the program takes it back.  The old patriarch of the cheetahs, Joseph, is available for petting under close supervision.

After the cheetahs we went to a fancy shmancy place with a restaurant, wine tasting room, fancy takeout picnic shop and a bird sanctuary. We had a very delicious lunch and then went to see the birds.

The Raptors

As I was watching some of the birds I had an epiphany about a recent dream. In the dream a huge mythic falcon captures a sheltie dog and flies off with him, clutched in her talons. I think the dream was about 'the rapture' and the entrepreneurial zeal of con artists offering dog care to those expecting to be raptured 'cause, ya know, ya can't take it with you! Maybe I'm worried about Jake and his afterlife?

1 comment:

  1. Too short a time for all! I welcome the day you return and we can do more tourist visits. Just so wonderful having you visit and meeting Ian. Bon voyage!
