Monday 11 March 2013

We're leaving on the Marrakesh Express

Cape Town colour (Click on to enlarge, back arrow to return)
Stansted drab

We left Cape Town, Mark and Julie's home, about 5:30 pm and arrived at out B&B near Stansted about  20 hours later!  I, wisely, took a sleeping pill on the long flight so was bright eyed. Ian on the other hand was running on fumes!

Our B&B was in a village called Elsenham and though picturesque had little more than a pub and, of course, an Indian take-away. We took a local bus to Bishops Stortford which I've heard of for years from Frank because Danute lives there.

The bus went along narrow country roads where the hedges rubbed against the side of the bus - in fact may have been carved out by decades of buses rubbing alongside. Then we turned a corner and the bus went over a huge eight lane motorway before re-entering the tunnel-like country road.

The most exciting thing about the flight to Marrakesh was the duty free shopping. A very handsome man approached me to ask if I wanted a spray of some Dior cologne. I told him I gave up Dior after they stopped making Diorella. He squealed with delight and told me it has been reissued (not sure if he used that word but you know what I mean). I started to wear Diorella in 1974. One spray and I was overcome with memories. The perfume man lived in Vancouver for several months so we chatted about this and that.

1 comment:

  1. Was he selling Dior in Vancouver in 1974 ... Just a question, that's all!
